Infor LN & Baan Tip: Can You Backflush An Item If Estimated Quantity is Zero?
Yes, you can backflush an item with an estimated quantity = 0.00 if you haven't already backflushed the order.
For example, you had an order with one component, you reported the quantity at the operation or order level and ran the backflush. Now you realize you need another component added. In this example, the order has already been backflushed, so if you were to add a second component, run backflushing, nothing would happen.
Backflushing is based on the 'quantity to backflush' in report operations or report orders complete. When the quantity is backflushed, the 'quantity to be backflushed' has been reset to 0.00. With a 0.00 quantity, there is nothing left to backflush so nothing happens.
In this case, you would have to issue the part through warehousing, just as you would have to do if you had a shortage during the backflushing process. If backflushing hasn't already been attempted, you can backflush a component with zero estimated quantity, after you have reported operations or order complete.