The Best Baan IV | Baan V | Infor LN Financial Reports to Analyze Company Performance
You know what data you need to analyze your company’s financial health, but sometimes it is a struggle to get that data in a format that is meaningful. Here are some reports in Baan IV, Baan V, and Infor LN which you may find useful.
As is the case with most ERP reports, with each version progression from Baan IV, to Baan V, to LN, there are improvements in selection criteria and report content. Some may require some setup and others may require some formatting if you would like to export them to Excel. Contact me if you have questions or need assistance.
Baan IV –
Customer Statistics Module
- Print Customer Statistics by Customer/Credit Analyst (tfcmg3400m000)
- Prints Average Days Payment, Amount Paid, Average Days Outstanding, Amount Open, Discounts Allowed and Discounts Taken.
- Print Average Days Outstanding (tfcmg3401m000)
- Prints Open Amount and Average Days Outstanding.
- Print Average Receipt Days (tfcmg3402m000)
- Prints Amount Paid and Average Number of Days for a Payment.
Cash Forecasting Module
- Print Cash Forecast Summary by Period/Currency (tfcmg3410m000)
- Prints Total Cash coming in from Sales Invoices, Sales Orders, Sales Quotes, Project Orders, and Budgets. Prints Total Cash going out from Purchase Invoices, Purchase Orders, Standing Orders, and Budgets.
- Print Cash Forecast Summary by Date/Currency (tfcmg3411m000)
- Prints the same as above but by a specific date.
- Print Cash Forecast Details by Period/Currency (tfcmg3412m000)
- Prints the same as above but by each period across in columns.
- Prints Detailed Cash Forecast in Home Currency (tfcmg3413m000)
- Prints each item, purchase order, sales order, etc, with forecast in home currency.
Baan V –
- Print Finalized Transactions Ledger Account – tfgld1406m000
- Output can be run to show transactions (debit/credit) by ledger account, transaction type, and time periods. This can be run by range of ledger account and/or range of periods.
- Print Integration Transactions -tfgld4410m000
- This has 3 options: a short version of the report, a standard version, and a version by company/ledger account.
Infor LN -
- Print Finalized Transactions Ledger Account – tfgld1406m000
- Output can be run to show transactions (debit/credit) by ledger account, transaction type, and time periods. This can be run by range of ledger account and/or range of periods.
- Print Integration Transactions by Business Flow – tfgld4482m100
- Output can be run to show all transactions (debit/credit) by business object (production/purchasing/sales)