This enhancement prevents over-allocations and resulting overshipments to customers. Attempted over-shipments can present an error message to the user, or there is an option to automatically adjust the user’s request to the allowed quantity.
Since over-shipments result from over-allocations, Infor LX provides an optional validation during the four processes where a user can attempt to over-allocate. Note: Infor LX never over-allocates or over-ships; this always results from a user’s action. This enhancement provides three options regarding over-allocations and over-shipments:
- Continue current process with warning message.
- Show error message.
- Automatically change allocation quantity to match quantity available for shipment.
If the over-ship quantity change is acceptable, internal procedures may require that the order quantity be revised so that pricing, promotions, credit checking, load planning, and other processes reflect the actual quantity.
The programs or areas impacted include:
- ORD820D, Order Entry System Parameters
- ORD720D2, Order Allocations
- ORD725D, Order Entry Allocations
- ORD570D5, Pick Confirm Inventory Confirmation
- ORD700D2 / ORD700DA / ORD710B, Order Line Validation