OTTO Q&A from the Director of Planning & Technology at Champion Industries
1. How difficult is it to initially install OTTO?
Dead easy is the straight answer. We relied on you to install, and you installed in the predicted 1 hour.
2. Would you install it on a test system or on the production system?
Production system is another easy answer. I use OTTO as the ideal prototype when talking to business contacts about “add-on” products. It is non-invasive; it only reads data from our ERP files. I know the implementation is 100% safe because no ERP files are ever updated (read corrupted) by OTTO.
3. How difficult was it to implement OTTO? Was there a negative impact on daily operations?
There is a learning curve involved in using any new tool that has value to add. OTTO implementation is very low on the impact scale, but I would strongly recommend that a prospective client plan on investing in education and practice. OTTO implementation is low impact. No valuable tool is “no impact”.
Click here to learn more about OTTO